Dyeing Clothes When Your Color Isn’t Available

Rit Dye

Rit Dye (Photo credit: Kominyetska)

So, this is one of the few times where the picture actually 100% relates to the article topic since I push for using Rit dye more so than any other clothing dye ^.^  So, with that being said…

When you’re unable to find a fabric in the color you need for fabrics (gradient patterns, fabrics in particular colors, etc.), you can always trying dying them!  Additionally, if you’re like so many other cosplayers, me included, & you prefer to alter clothing for your cosplays vs. painstakingly making it from scratch, this definitely will do the trick.  Just get the solid white version of whatever clothing piece you need (hopefully in an easily dyeable fabric), choose the color of your liking, & have at it.  Even if you need something really intricate like a gradient effect, using this particular method can definitely do the trick.

So, why am I pushing for Rit dye more than any other dye?  Rit is very inexpensive, easy to find, comes in a variety of colors, has great results, & has a great site to boot, although I would highly recommend using it for info. only & buying the physical dye at your local arts ‘n crafts store >.> Even if you can’t necessarily find the exact color you’re looking for, you can mix & match colors until you achieve your desired color.  The site alone offers a variety of project ideas, methods of dyeing, a guide to achieve certain shades, & lots more, making the whole dyeing process that much easier.  Looking at all these things is why I would push someone towards using Rit dye if they plan to dye clothes more than any other brand.

Anyway, those are my opinions on the awesomeness of clothes dyeing.  happy dyeing!

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